Garden plants that attract butterflies

When considering the selection of garden plants it is worth considering wildlife. While your garden design might focus on your human users’ needs, the garden ecosystem can support an abundance of wildlife to enjoy. 

Garden plants that attract butterflies

Adult butterflies actually drink their food rather than eat it. They rely on plant nectar and tree sap in liquid form. Not surprisingly, to attract them to your garden and keep them comfortable, choose garden plants that are rich in nectar. Butterflies are also fond of sunshine. Perennials and shrubs which flourish in full sunshine and offer a good source of nectar will be most attractive.

Plants to consider in garden design

There are a wide range of garden plants to choose from which will thrive in your Irish garden and provide food and shelter for butterflies.

  • Butterfly Bush (buddleia) – These shrubs have nectar-rich flowers that are a magnet for butterflies. These garden plants are generally very hardy and will thrive in many areas.
  • Lavender (lavandula) – Several varieties of lavender are available with differing forms/sizes. The lavender flower is popular with butterflies and pollinators generally.
  • Primrose (primula vulgaris) – This early flowering woodland perennial is an important source of food for both adult butterflies and young larvae.
  • Red valerian (centranthus ruber) – A herbaceous perennial that provides abundant blooms from late spring through to early autumn. The flower, who’s colour can actually range from red to pink and white, is a favourite of butterflies.
  • Sage (salvia) – These aromatic plants are closely related to mint. The strong, pleasant scent and the rich flowers are magnets for butterflies.

More options are there for consideration and your professional horticulturist will guide you to the right mix of plants to provide seasonal interest, colour variation, and create an exciting habitat for butterflies.

About Outlook Gardens

We are leaders in transforming outdoor spaces, using expertly selected specimen plants, designed and installed with care to convey your own signature taste so that you can truly escape to reconnect with your creative and spiritual self.

With over 30 years’ experience, we develop and maintain luxurious outdoor spaces in some of Dublin’s most exclusive residential properties and multi-unit developments. To learn more and to discuss your garden design and build projects, please contact us.